When it first began in 2005, Apex 360 was a football coaching company. Now it has grown and changed into a fully equipped solution for engaging children in physical activity. It delivers a range of exceptional and innovative courses – as well as one of sessions – that tackle the behavioural and emotional needs of children though the medium of dance, sports and PT instruction.
One of the reasons why Apex 360 is so popular is that it recognises the need to adapt to changing times, allowing children to try new and exciting ways to become fitter, healthier and more interested in the world around them.
Apex 360 is able to deliver over 2,000 different dance, sports and activity sessions to children each month. As well as this, there are many classes for adults and the elderly too. These classes are friendly and happy places to be which goes a long way to explaining just why they are so well received. All Apex 360 coaches are trained to a high level and there is continuing professional development available to ensure that they are always leading the way in any kind of children’s or adult education.
Apex 360 is able to work closely with schools, universities and colleges, local community clubs and local authorities to provide excellent training and fitness education.