Established in 1997, Flexicare has grown from humble beginnings to being CQC-approved as Outstanding and a member of the United Kingdom Home Care Association (UKHCA), with branches across the UK and Europe. Recently partnering with Spanish care brands, Ballesol and Taking Care Abroad, Flexicare aims to widen service users experience with accompanied holidays on the Spanish east coast to enjoy rehabilitation, health and well-being opportunities with a global community.
Since inception, the core values and ethos of the company has matured towards a spiritual understanding of the biopsychosocial requirements of its service users and staff alike. Compassion and tacit knowledge are utilised as a priority and out-sourced training is provided by local educational organisations to cement vital learning and best-practice policy.
Flexicare provide a range of services with individualised care plans for Home Care: from daily essential care needs such as personal hygiene and toileting, to domestic jobs such as washing, ironing, shopping or help with attending appointments, a tailored solution is mutually agreed to be of the greatest benefit to the client; Palliative Care including End-of-Life support, specialised stoma care or percutaneous feeding tube assistance; Specialist or Complex Care for chronic and degenerative conditions and reablement following brain or spinal injury; And Live-in Care whether as residential or 24-hour nursing support.