Quality Franchise Association Full Member

Lastminute Care Franchise

£24,000 - Limited Time Special Offer

Franchise Description :

Benefit from three revenue streams from a market-disrupting care franchise

Finance:Yes, through a third party
Part Time:Yes
Contact Name:Franchise Recruitment Manager

United Kingdom


This franchise is no longer featured on Franchise UK.


Three Businesses in One!

A Recession-Proof Formula Designed to Grow

There are many franchise opportunities in the care sector, and we’re proud to say that we have a very unique and profitable opportunity. 

Invest in a multi award winning agency

A key difference in our approach is that we have a model that is quick to start trading, is profitable in Year One and is scalable.
The system is developed to ensure Franchisees can build a significant sized business and benefit long term. Since launching the business in 2016, we have:

Turned over more than £13M

Provided over 2 million hours of care and support

Employed more than 2,500 care workers


Our first Franchisee partner has invoiced over £3 Million, provided work to over 300 Care Staff, and delivered over 200,000 hours of care in less than three years of trading. A fantastic example of what can be achieved.
Our current existing branches reached profitability within 6 months, and all have regained their initial investment capital in year 1. This is unheard of and sets us apart.
With a Lastminute Care & Nursing Franchise, we would expect our franchisees to earn £40K+ profit in year one.
Why we’re confident in your success:

Three separate revenue streams: Agency Provision; Homecare; Supported Living.

Existing systems and procedures to follow to guarantee success.

Excellent training in all areas of the business both initial and ongoing.

A fantastic support network of experienced professionals.

Existing National Contracts.

Low startup costs.

Larger territories than ALL competitors in the care sector.


Our system is unique and we’re bringing something new to the sector. If you want to find out more, get in touch today to request an information pack!

Recruitment Franchises

Recruitment franchises can be an attractive option for a white collar professional who enjoys working alongside other business professionals.

Recruitment franchise opportunities can be either home or office based. This franchise type could be specialising in a certain area of recruitment.

Whilst the level of investment varies among franchises, some are considered to be low initial investment.

With training provided recruitment franchises could be an ideal opportunity to specialise in recruitment, even if you lack previous recruitment experience with training you could be supplying your clients with the talent required to grow their businesses, as you grow yours.

We invite you to browse and enquire the recruitment franchises listed on Franchise UK.

Management Franchises

Management Franchises remain to top choice amongst white collar franchise seekers. With business consultancy services estimated to be worth £7bn to the UK economy. Many companies chose to employ franchised business consultants in order to reduce costs and improve their businesses operations.

This can be both enjoyable and a lucrative area of business. Working as a management consultant is considered by many to be a professional role, if you have a passion for business and are brimming with enthusiasm, the training programmes that many management franchise can provide you with the right skills, techniques and on-going support required for you to operate your franchise.

A management franchise can also offer a good life work balance, with consultancy hours mainly being set around traditional office hours, a management franchise could be the solution for more leisure time and is ideal for people who enjoy business and have a desire to inspire other local businesses to thrive.

Browse More Management Franchises Below

Fitness Franchises

According to research published by Statista the UK market size of the wellness & fitness segment has been growing steadily & is estimated to reach £22bn by 2020. When broken down by category, the greatest increases are to be made in alternative medicine, sports equipment &  weight loss, which made up the majority of the market in past years, along with gym memberships. The growth of the market is also reflected in the number of sports and fitness occupations held in the UK, which also show a steady increase in years past. The majority of employees in the sport activities sector are between 25 and 54 years old, with slightly more men than women working in the sector.

This has also given rise to more fitness and well being franchises including franchises of gyms, workout classes, children fitness classed, weight loss group & classes. With the UK government stating that unless we change our habits that more people will become obese the need and it would seem demand for more of this type of franchise is sure to increase and become an even more potentially lucrative market.

Developing a “fit” and healthy business takes time, hard work and dedication. Also as with any business purchase or franchise get professional help & advice and know what your commitment is before you invest.

Health & Beauty Franchises

According to The National Association of Hairdresser the hair and beauty businesses alone contribute a staggering £7bn to the UK economy.  With over 40,000 businesses in this industry sector in the UK, many Hair Salons employ less than 10 people. In addition to hairdressing there have been huge growth in the demand for other health and beauty services, products & treatments including weight loss, nail salons, eyebrows, tanning salons, massage and cosmetic surgery.

This trend for health & beauty products looks set to continue to grow in the UK and represents an existing large business sector where many existing businesses are now franchising to capitalize on this growth and grow their businesses by offering various different franchise opportunities, distribution licences and business opportunities.

Some of these opportunities require a shop front, for example a hairdressers, nail bar salon but many also are home based and go to their clients home to provide the services which would appeal to anyone who would like to work from home and/or balance their family and home life with running a business.

Browse More Health & Beauty Franchises Below

Care Franchises

Residential Care Homes

According to the UK governments care homes study 30th November 2017 the care homes sector is worth around £15.9 billion a year, with around 410,000 residents. They calculate that there are 5,500 different care service providers in the UK operating 11,300 care homes for the elderly. Approx 95% of their beds are provided by the independent sector (both for-profit & charities ). Government local authorities generally commission care services from independent care providers. On average the cost for a self-funder in 2016 was £846 per week (nearly £44,000 per year), while Local authorities paid around £621 per week.

Domestic Care

UKHCA estimate that total local authority expenditure on domiciliary care services in the UK in 2014/15 was £3.9 billion. As personalisation or self-directed support policy progresses nationally,the uptake of direct payments has increased. UKHCA estimate that totallocal authority expenditure on direct payments in the UK in 2014/15 was £1.5 billion. There has been a trend in England over recent years for NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) to purchase social care and health services from the independent and voluntary sector. In 2014/15 total CCG expenditure on non-NHS care services was £2.3 billion. At this time we do not have more detailed expenditure analysis available or domiciliary care specific expenditure data. Data on expenditure by people who self-fund their care is sparse. UKHCA estimate that expenditure on domiciliary care by self-funders in 2014/15 was £713 million.

With this very large and apparently growing sector there are many different opportunities to start a business with a domestic & care home franchise, providing care in peoples homes via a home care franchise or domiciliary care franchise or setting up a residential care home franchise business.

Browse More Care Franchises Below

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