Peace of mind from fixed, monthly interest payments of 1% (12% ROI p.a)!



Consider a hands-off investment into a London company making genuine waves and winning credible awards for its innovative contribution to helping ease the London property crisis.

Turning old, unloved offices into desirable residential developments is big business. It can be done quickly, cheaply and there is greater demand from first-time buyers than ever before. Why not invest into the recognised market leaders…


If you’re looking to grow your savings, but you’re still not entirely ready for the total commitment required to make any franchise a success, why not put your money to work through a loan agreement?

It’s simple – you lend money to an established London property developer for a fixed period of time, you get paid a monthly return on your investment and then, at the end of the agreed period, you get your original money back.

Loan notes are an increasingly common form of diversifying an investment portfolio, and are an innovative way to benefit from the buoyant property market.

Take a look at the investment highlights:

• Returns of 12% / year, paid each and every month (1% per month)

• Invest from 6-24 months

• Withdraw from the investment penalty-free (90 day notice period)

• Protected by corporate / personal guarantee

• Invest from £50,000


About the company

Inspired Asset Management have been pioneering the office-to-residential market in and around London since 2012.

Led by seasoned entrepreneur and property investor Martin Skinner, Inspired now have a total of 9 major projects either completed or under construction, with a total value exceeding £250m. They aim to grow this to £700m by the end of 2017.

Example projects

Each of Inspired’s projects have been part-financed in the early stages of development by private investment.

Their most recent of 17 projects since inception include:



Surrey House, Croydon (completed and sold out)

Units: 30

Gross value: £8.69m

Gross profit: £3.95m



Canius House, Croydon (completed and sold out)

Units: 39

Gross value: £11.98m

Gross profit: £3.98m



Green Dragon House, Croydon (completed and 97% sold)

Units: 119

Gross value: £37.6m

Gross profit: £20.8m



Rutland House, Epsom (completed and 66% sold)

Units: 32

Gross value: £9.7m

Gross profit: £2.6m


Impact House, Croydon (completion Q4 2017 54% sold)

Units: 235

Gross value: £86.8m

Gross profit: £22.1m

Property loan investment – cash positive from day 1

* 12% ROI p.a – paid monthly

* 6 – 24 month options                           

* Entry level from £50,000                    

* Established London developer

* Multiple levels of security


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find out more

We value your privacy and do not share your details with any other companies.
Registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office no. ZA185898

Inspired Asset Management: 20 North Audley St, Mayfair, London W1K 6WL

Nathan Bissitt :